Tuesday 20 May 2014

17 EDS-isms

I really enjoy a good GIF - I felt like I couldn't make it through this awareness month without just sliding them in. These are the observations and perspectives of an EDS-er. I tried to make this one moderately amusing. But it's probably just a bit dark and disturbing.

1 ) Poker face is a reflex to: my knee popping out, vomit entering my mouth, the room doing an unexpected loop-the-loop.

2) People say stupid things and you realise, you’re normal and they aren’t.

3) Non-clinical Tourette’s syndrome is secondary to living in an environment polluted by stupid people who say stupid things. It’s chronic and debilitating.

4) Waking up feeling good takes me by surprise sometimes, and I have to go back to sleep for 5 minutes to make sure, this is indeed real life. It's like waking up and realising Santa has been. How sad.

5) Night times are annoying. You go to bed feeling fine and you wake up in an hour and your head is straight in the toilet. Sometimes you go to bed feeling awful and take a wonderful tablet and you wake up after a ten hour sleep feeling buzzing. I am so confused as to how or why this happens.

6) Powdered tablets like domperidone, cyclizine or codeine remain on your tongue after they’ve been swallowed. If you stick your tongue out it’s there, all white and you can take as many drinks as you like, it’s not going anywhere - your head fizzes with such a disturbance.

7) I agree to do things that I know will hurt/I can’t do/I’ll regret. ‘Do you want to come to an all you can eat buffet with us?’ ‘AWESOME!!!’ ………… ‘No I can’t eat any of that, I’ll just have a tap water, thanks.’

8) Questions come when you don’t expect them and you can’t prepare answers. ‘Why do you have a feeding tube?’

9) Sometimes it feels like there’s no short answer to EDS related questions. 

10) Hindsight. I’ve discovered the difference between knee jerk reactions and hindsight is VAST. Not everyone needs to know I just vomited a little or that my shoulder popped right out. No matter how much it hurts!

11) I can't find an appropriate response to sympathy. Even though it's often appreciated.

12) Some people are really self-absorbed and like to tell you how much your illness inconveniences their own life. I wouldn’t believe it had it not happened to me. ‘I’m really disappointed you’re ill today, now my whole day is ruined.’ I actually felt bad!


13) How many GP receptionists does it take to change a light bulb? Sorry if anyone out there is a GP receptionist; mine are horrendous. They can't ever solve the simplest of queries. I’ve had other people’s prescriptions and other people’s test results.

14) Having long bendy arms means you can apply sun cream to your entire back all by yourself.

15) There is never a time, a place or an environment that I can’t sleep in. Sleeping is my natural state.

16) Waiting rooms are places where time either goes too quickly or too slowly depending on what your appointment is. But they’re never the same speed as real life. You realise you wait half your life for a diagnosis so that you can spend even longer waiting for due necessities.

17) There is no cure for EDS!!! But that will never stop people offering you magic/crystals/diets.


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